1. ホーム
  2. スタッフ紹介
  3. 柳澤 雅之(詳細)

柳澤 雅之(詳細)





 1) ベトナム紅河デルタ村落における生業ネットワーク
 2) ベトナム北部山地の土地利用変化








1. 柳澤雅之(代表執筆者)2006. 『京大式フィールドワーク入門』京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科・東南アジア研究所編, NTT出版.
2. 柳澤雅之 2008 .「生態関連特集1」『ベトナムの社会と文化』No.7: 159-245. 東京: 風響社.
1. Yanagisawa, M.; and Nawata, E. 1996. “Development of field crops in Thailand: A case study in Saraburi and Lopburi Provinces”. Southeast Asian Studies 33: 588-608.
2. Yanagisawa, M.; Kono, Y.; Nawata, E.; and Sakuratani, T. 1999. “Changes in village-level cropping patterns in the Red River Delta after doi moi: A case study of the Coc Thanh cooperative in Nam Dinh Province, Vietnam”. Japanese Journal of Tropical Agriculture 43(3): 170-180.
3. Yanagisawa, M. 2000. “Fund-raising activities of a cooperative in the Red River Delta: A case study of the Coc Thanh cooperative in Nam Dinh Province, Vietnam”. Southeast Asian Studies 38: 123-141.
4.Yanagisawa, M.; Nawata, E.; Kono, Y.; and Hung, B. T. 2001. “Status of vegetable cultivation as cash crops and factors limiting the expansion of the cultivation area in a village of the Red River Delta in Vietnam”. Japanese Journal of Tropical Agriculture 45(4): 229-241.
5. Yamada, K.; Yanagisawa, M.; Kono, Y.; and Nawata, E. 2004. “Use of natural biological resources and their roles in household food security in Northwest Laos”, Southeast Asian Studies 41: 426-443.
6. Sakurai, K.; Kawazu H.; Kono Y.; Yanagisawa M.; Le Van Tiem; Le Quoc Doanh; Dangthaisong N.; and Trinh Ngoc Chau 2004. “Impact of agricultural practices on slope land soil properties of the mountainous region of Northern Vietnam: A case study in Bac Ha District, Lao Cai Province”, Southeast Asian Studies 41: 503-518.
7. 柳澤雅之. 2004. 「ベトナム紅河デルタにおける農業生産システムの変化と合作社の役割」『東アジア農村の兼業化―その持続性への展望』年報村落社会研究40: 247-268.
8. Dao Minh Truong; Kono, Y.; and Yanagisawa, M. 2005. “Dynamics of land cover-land use in villages of the Vietnam Northern mountain region: Impacts of human activities”, International journal of Geoinformatics. 1(1): 165-170.
9. Stephen J.Leisz; Kono, Y.; Fox, J.; Yanagisawa, M.; and Rambo, T. 2009. “Land use changes in the uplands of Southeast Asia: Proximate and distant causes”, Southeast Asian Studies 47: 237-243.
10. Dao Minh Truong; Kono, Y.; and Yanagisawa, M.; Leisz, S.J.; and Kobayashi S. 2009. “Linkage of forest policies and programs with land cover and land use changes in the Northern Mountain region of Vietnam: A village-level case study”, Southeast Asian Studies 47: 244-262.
1. Yanagisawa, M. 1999. “An interdisciplinary study of a rice growing village: History and contemporary changes”. In Towards an ecoregional approach for natural resource management in the Red River basin of Vietnam, edited by Kinh, N. N.; Teng, P. S.; Hoanh, C. T.; and Castella. J. C. pp.147-159. Hanoi: The Agricultural Publishing House.
2. Kono, Y.; Yanagisawa, M.; and Dang The Phong 1999. “Village-level irrigation systems in the command area of the Nam Ha 1 Irrigation Scheme”, In Towards an ecoregional approach for natural resource management in the Red River basin of Vietnam, edited by Kinh, N. N.; Teng, P. S.; Hoanh, C. T.; and Castella. J. C. pp.161-182. Hanoi: The Agricultural Publishing House.
3. Yanagisawa, M.; and Kono, Y. 2001. “Changing roles of cooperatives in agricultural production in the Red River Delta; A case study of the Coc Thanh cooperative in Nam Dinh Province”, In Vietnamese society in transition; The daily politics of reform and change, edited by Kleinen, J. pp. 3-22. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis Publishers.
4. Kono, Y.; Yanagisawa, M.; and Dang The Phong 2002. “Quản lý cộng đồng các hệ thống thủy lợi ở châu thổ sông Hồng, Việt Nam”, In Các nhà Việt Nam học nước ngoài viết về Việt Nam tập 2, edited by Phan Huy Lê. pp.323-334. Hanoi: Nhà xuất bản thế giới.
5. 柳澤雅之. 2003. 「地域研究と村落調査」『東南アジア史別巻―東南アジア史研究案内―』池端雪浦ら(編)pp.111-116. 東京: 岩波書店.
6. Yanagisawa, M. 2003. “Agricultural intensification and diversification in the Northern mountains region of Vietnam”, In Cultural diversify and conservation in the making of mainland Southeast Asia an Southwestern China regional dynamics in the past and present, edited by Hayashi, Y.; and Thongsa, S. pp.379-393. Bangkok: Amarin Printing and Publishing Public Company Ltd.
7. DiGregorio, M.; Rambo, A. T.; and Yanagisawa, M. 2003. “Clean, green, and beautiful: Environment and development under the renovation economy”, In Postwar Vietnam: Dynamics of a transforming society, edited by Hy Van Luong. pp.171-200. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, INC.
8. Yanagisawa, M. 2004. “Development process of cash crops in the Northern mountains region of Vietnam: A case study in Moc chau District of Son la Province, Vietnam”, In Ecological destruction, health, and development: Advancing Asian paradigm, edited by Furukawa, H.; Nishibuchi, M.; Kono, Y.; and Kaida, Y. pp.467-479. Kyoto: Kyoto University Press.
9. 柳澤雅之. 2004. 「山と平野、水と土 -二大デルタの自然と農業-」『現代ベトナムを知るための60章』今井昭夫・岩井美佐紀(編著) pp.74-80. 東京: 明石書店.
10. 柳澤雅之.(印刷中)「グローバリゼーションと東南アジア大陸山地部の農業発展―ベトナム北部山地の50年―」『変容するアジアの風土』山田勇・竹田晋也(編集)京都: 京都大学出版会.
11. 柳澤雅之. 2007.「(生態関連特集1)まえがき」『ベトナムの社会と文化 第7号』ベトナム社会文化研究会編 pp.161-163. 東京: 風響社.
12. Nghiem Phuong Tuyen, and M. Yanagisawa. 2008. “Qua trinh phat trine mang luoi thi truong tai mot huyen vung nui phia bac viet nam,” In Thoi ky mo cua nhung chuyen doi kinh te – xa hoi o vung cao viet nam (Socio-economic changes in the time of open in Vietnam highland), edited by Sikor, T., Sowewine, J., Romm, J., and Nghiem Phuong Tuyen. pp. 117-133. Hanoi : Nha xuat ban khoa hoc va ky thuat.
13. 柳澤雅之. 2009. 「東南アジア生態史」『東南アジア史研究の展開』東南アジア学会(監修)東南アジア史学会40周年記念事業委員会(編集)pp.156-171.東京 : 山川出版社.
14. 柳澤雅之. 2012. 「自然科学分野の地域研究-地域情報の限定性を克服するために-」『地域研究』第12号第2巻:pp.116-130 昭和堂
1. 柳澤雅之 2006.「東南アジアの開発と環境」『歴史学事典(第13巻、所有と生産)』尾形勇・樺山紘一・川北稔・加藤友康・岸本美緒・黒田日出男・佐藤次高・南塚信吾・山本博文(編集)東京: 弘文堂.
2004年 平成16年度日本熱帯農業学会奨励賞(紅河デルタ村落における農業システムの変容に関する研究)受賞
1. 科研費「紅河デルタ農村開発戦略の多様性―村落レベルの農業・手工業・地域間ネットワーク―」(2001~2002年)
2. 科研費「ベトナム北部山地の農業発展の多様性:山地部の新しい環境開発戦略を求めて」(2004~2005年)


京都大学東南アジア研究所 http://www.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/
京都大学アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科 http://www.asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/
地域研究コンソーシアム http://www.jcas.jp/
