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  4. Transborder natural resource governance(h19~h20)

Transborder natural resource governance(h19~h20)


Transborder natural resource governance(h19~h20)

代表: Wil de Jong(京都大学地域研究統合情報センター・教授)
共同研究員: 赤嶺淳(名古屋市立大学大学院人間文化研究科・准教授)、石川登(京都大学東南アジア研究所・准教授)、田中耕司(京都大学地域研究統合情報センター・教授)、柳澤雅之(京都大学地域研究統合情報センター・准教授)
期間: 平成19年4月~平成21年3月
目的: The purpose of the research is to investigate natural resource governance in borderland regions that is shaped by interactions among multiple actors, some of whom operate across nation state borders. The research is to be carried out in five different locations, two in South America and three in Southeast Asia. The locations differ in social, cultural and political conditions and in natural habitats. The research is expected to contribute through papers and a book volume to academic debates on the role of the nation state in natural resources governance, borderland studies, and natural resources governance under administrative and political decentralization.
研究実施状況: -平成19年度-
During 2007, activities have focused on networking, bringing together scientists involved in this are of research, presenting individual case studies, and using this as discussion material to reach the project objectives. In particular, an international symposium (Transborder Environmental and Natural Resource Management) was held December 5-7 at Kyoto University. The symposium brought together five Japan based scientists who’s research directly relates to the topic of the project. In addition, another five papers presented at this meeting, presented by scientists from Philippines, Indonesia, PR China and France, had the same focus. Other papers presented at the meeting related to transborder natural resource governance, but not in tropical forest regions.
1. Edit book: Borderless Resources and Bounded Management: Challenges and Opportunities for Transborder Natural Resource Governance. All chapters ready for submission.
2. Hold international symposium: Forest policies for a sustainable humanosphere.
3. Individual field work and papers.
研究成果の概要: -平成19年度-
The participants in this project all have continued fieldwork in their respective location (Malaysia-Indonesia; Vietnam-China, Bolivia-Brazil and Peru-Ecuador). These and other results have been presented at the above mentioned symposium.
Research on Bolivia, borderland migrations from Brazil. One paper in advanced stage. Research on Peru-Colombia borderlands, one chapter for the upcoming book. Research on sea-cucumber CITES negotiation. Research on labor migration between Kalimantan and Sarawk-Sabah.
Workshop on African, Asian, European and Latin American region wide forest policies. Chapters in CIAS Discussion paper 8.
公表実績: -平成19年度-
De Jong Wil. Nation-state transborder natural resource governance in tropical forest regions: Theoretical basis and emerging issues. Asia Pacific Forum 36, June 2007: 38-62.
Ishikawa, Noboru. Commodities at the Interstices Transboundary Flows of resources in Western Borneo. Asia Pacific Forum 36, June 2007: 146-170.
De Jong, Wil, (editor). Transborder Environmental and Natural Resource Governance. CIAS Discussion paper No 4. Kyoto: CIAS.
Publication: Forest Policies for a Sustainable Humanosphere: CIAS Discussion Paper 8.
Funding proposal submitted to JSPS in October 2008 and approved. Research to be continued for the next three years in Peru-Colombia, Ecuador-Galapagos Islands, Kalimantan-Sarawak & Sabah, Vietnam-China, Myanmar-China.