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  3. 国際シンポジウム 「地域を超える建築・都市計画文化:デジタル・ヒューマニティーズから学知創生へ」

2017/03/26~2017/03/27 国際シンポジウム 「地域を超える建築・都市計画文化:デジタル・ヒューマニティーズから学知創生へ」

「地域を超える建築・都市計画文化: デジタル・ヒューマニティーズから学知創生へ」

会場:京都大学稲盛財団記念館3階333号室 (京都市左京区吉田下阿達町 46)
(最寄駅)京阪鴨東線 神宮丸太町駅

Email: andurush [a] cias.kyoto-u.ac.jp

ウゴ・セガワ(サンパウロ大学 建築都市計画学部・教授 )コリンヌ・ティリ小野(パリ・ヴァル・ドゥ・セーヌ国立高等建築学校・教授)ホベルタ・フォンタン( サンパウロ大学 エネルギー環境学研究所・博士課程) 山田協太(京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所・特任助教)アドリアナ・ピチニニ東野(明石工業高等専門学校建築学科・准教授)アナ・マルエンダ(マドリード工科大学 建築高等専門学校・教授)ガイア・カラメリーノ(ミラノ工科大学高等建築土木都市計画学校・助教)
コメント、挨拶など: 原正一郎(京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所・教授・副所長)アンドレー・コヘイア・ド・ラーゴ(駐日ブラジル大使)岡部明子(東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科・教授)アナ・トストーイス(リスボン大学テークニコ高等学校・教授 )大田省一(京都工芸繊維大学工芸科学部・准教授)

原正一郎(京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所・教授・副所長)アンドレー・コヘイア・ド・ラーゴ(駐日ブラジル大使)岡部明子(東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科・教授)アナ・トストーイス(リスボン大学テークニコ高等学校・教授 )大田省一(京都工芸繊維大学工芸科学部・准教授)



Co-organization: Unit of Academic Knowledge Integration Studies of Kyoto University Research Coordination Alliance (KURCA)
Date and Time: 26 March, 10~18hs ・ 27 March, 9:30~12hs
Place: Kyoto University, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Room 333, Third Floor

Kyoto University, Center for Southeast Asia Studies
(Former Center for Integrated Area Studies)
46 Shimoadachi-cho Yoshida, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan
email: andurush [a] cias.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Invited Lecturers:
Hugo SEGAWA (Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Universidade de São Paulo - FAU USP)
Corinne TIRY-ONO (École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris-Val de Seine - ENSA PVS)
Roberta FONTAN PEREIRA (Instituto de Energia e Ambiente, Universidade de São Paulo - IEE USP)
Gaia CARAMELLINO (Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani, Politecnico di Milano - DAStU POLIMI)
Adriana PICCININI HIGASHINO (Dept. of Architecture, Akashi National College of Technology)
Kyota YAMADA (CSEAS, Kyoto University)
Ana Esteban MALUENDA (Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - ETSAM UPM)

Shōichirō HARA (CSEAS, Kyoto University)
Andre CORREA do LAGO (Brazilian Ambassador to Japan)
Akiko OKABE (Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Tokyo University)
Ana TOSTOES (Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa - IST)
Shoichi OTA (School of Science and Technology, Kyoto Institute of Technology – KIT)

Andrea FLORES URUSHIMA (CSEAS, Kyoto University)

Tentative program

(26 March, Sunday):
10:00~10:10 Greetings (Shōichirō HARA)
10:10~10:40 Theme explanation (Andrea FLORES URUSHIMA)
Presentation 1: Twentieth Century Latin American Architecture: a Network and a Digital Exhibition (Hugo SEGAWA)
11:15~11:30 Questions
11:30~11:45 Coffee Break
11:45 ~12:20
Presentation 2: Japanese Spatial Culture from a Cross-Disciplinary Approach. JAPARCHI: From a Network to a Collaborative Tool for Innovative Research (Corinne TIRY-ONO)
12:20~12:30 Questions
12:30~14:00 (Lunch) Preliminary Discussion on Methodology
14:00~ 14:35
Presentation 3: ArchiteXt Mining: Taking advantage of Periodicals as an Architectural Data Base (Ana MALUENDA)
14:35~14:45 Questions
14:45 ~15:20
Presentation 4: GIS Thematic Mapping as an Instrument of Analysis for the Identification of the Rural in Complex Territories (Roberta FONTAN)
15:20~15:30 Questions
Presentation 5: Global Architect’s Education: Tearoom Database of Interactive Online Workshops (Adriana PICCININI HIGASHINO)
16:05~16:15 Questions
16:15~16:30 Coffee Break
16:30~17:10 Comments: Andre CORREA do LAGO, Shoichi OTA
17:10~17:40 「Special Talk: Beyond Architecture: How Computation empowers the 21st Century Master Builder (Kristof CROLLA)]」
17:40~18:00 General Discussion/ Evaluation of Proposals’Frameworks

(27 March, Monday):
9:30 ~ 10:05
Presentation 6: Capturing from Human Activities the Multiscale Formation Mechanisms of Dwelt Environments (Kyota YAMADA)
10:05 ~ 10:15 Questions
10:15 ~ 10:50
Presentation 7:Mapping the Exchange: Magazines as Platform for Urban Criticism (Gaia CARAMELLINO)
10:50 ~ 11:00 Questions
11:00 ~ 11:30 Comments: Ana TOSTOES, Akiko OKABE
11:30 ~ 12:00 General Discussion/ Evaluation of Proposals’ Frameworks

Theme explanation:

The main objective of this symposium is to discuss the potential and the limits that technologies of information offer to integrate architectural and planning cultures across regions. We invite well-established and promising historians, theoreticians and critics of architecture, urban design and planning to evaluate the processes of production of knowledge in these fields.
These fields of knowledge production have developed in order to contribute to a critical assessment of the models, technologies, forms, methods and materials used in the making of architecture, cities and villages across the world. These fields developed in order to train and inform the professionals practically engaged in shaping the spaces inside and outside cities with the fundamental tasks of orienting and criticizing the modernization of cities and architecture in a global scale.
The debate about the modernization of cities and architecture has overcome several intellectual crises illustrated in the apparition and disappearance of terminologies, such as, post-colonial, post-modern, and post-environmental. The challenge nowadays is to produce knowledge useful for the design and planning of spaces inside and outside cities that takes into consideration a variety of values and perspectives operating in a global scale and by varied disciplines at different levels. In this context, for producing a well-informed architectural and planning culture, it is necessary to take into consideration the conceptual, organizational, formal and material references coming from urban-rural, modern-traditional, international-local, government-community interactions in different regions across the world.
Nowadays, historians, theoreticians and critics of architecture, urban design and planning have access to a huge quantity and diversity of information. They are impelled to engage into the disclosure of the knowledge produced at a local level for a larger global audience. At the same time, they need to think about how certain criteria and standards permit or impede the comparison and the sharing of this knowledge being produced in varied contexts. These are important challenges of the 21st century that they have now to tackle in order to produce an architectural and planning culture that is critical, updated and global in scope.
In order to address this challenge, we invite historians, theoreticians and critics of architecture, urban and regional planning and design to discuss:
What are the benefits and obstacles for integrating knowledge through the use of new technologies in digital humanities?
How would these new technologies impact the way we produce knowledge in the fields of history, theory and critics of architecture, design and planning?
Among other topics of discussion, the contributors will discuss the use of digital platforms to make available and facilitate the research about the Japanese architecture in France; the creation of a virtual exposition in order to facilitate the research about the Latin American modern and contemporary architecture in Japan; the use of GIS platforms in order to rethink the definition of cities and rural areas in Brazil.