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2011/11/28 国外客員教授B.ババジャノフ先生研究報告会のご案内


日時: 2011年11月28日(月)15:00~17:30
場所: 京都大学地域研究統合情報センター セミナー室(稲盛財団記念館213号室)
報告者・タイトル: B. Babadjanov(ウズベキスタン共和国科学アカデミー東洋学研究所、京都大学地域研究統合情報センター国外客員教授)
            “The Turkestanskiy Sbornik Collection as a Model of the Colonial Knowledge and Ideology of the Imperial Colonization” 
使用言語: 英語
報告要旨:  “For the success of our colonization we need the accurate knowledge of the colonized countries.” (From the Report of Russian Imperial Geographical Society, March 1861.)
The collection of “Turkestanskiy Sbornik (TS)” has started to gather in 1867 by order if the First General-Governor of Turkestan Fon Kaufman. It was collected till 1917 and definitively finished during the early Soviet period. It includes about 600 volumes (article from periodicals and separate books). The main purpose of the founder of this collection K. Kaufman – to fill the knowledge of Turkestan, to effectively manage them and to make this land useful for the budget of the Russian Empire. In this presentation I will try to pay your attention to following problems. The primary goal of our project is connected with drawing up of indexes to “TS.” It is natural that the enormous volume of a material has put the problems which I will try to show on example of keywords index on Islam. Besides, “TS” is a unique source for studying of geopolitical interests of the Russian empire in Turkestan, the different approaches to legitimizing his conquests (the Military, Politicians, Orientalists or Journalists). In a more comprehensive sense, “TS” gives to us the chance to see development and transformation of ideology of colonization in the style of “Orientalism”, or “acculturation” and «involving of natives in civilized space». I will try to present my preliminary conclusions on named and other problems.


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