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2011/05/12 教員の公募について(東南アジア研究所)/Job Opening for a Professor/Associate Professor in CSEAS (2)


1.公募人員:  教授または准教授 1名
2.所 属:   京都大学東南アジア研究所 政治経済相関研究部門 地域発展分野
4.任 用:
  1) 「教授としての応募」、「准教授としての応募」、「教授・准教授どちらでも可」のうち、いずれかを示す文面1枚
  2) 履歴書
  3) 研究・業績目録(査読の有無を明記すること)。教授としての応募の場合(教授・准教授どちらでも可の場合を含む)、5本以上のインパクトのある論文ないし主要単著2冊、准教授としての応募の場合、2本以上のインパクトのある論文がどれかを明記すること。
  4) 主要な著書または論文3点(コピー可)、それぞれに800字以内の要旨を添付すること。
  5) これまで行ってきた研究内容の要旨(2000字以内)
  6) 採用された場合の学際的共同研究に関するアイディア(研究内容および東南アジア地域研究への貢献)(2000字以内)
  7) 競争的資金の獲得状況(代表/分担の別を明記すること)
  8) 推薦状2通
7.応募期限:  2011年6月20日(必着)
9.採用通知:  2011年10月31日までに通知する。
 〒606-8501 京都市左京区吉田下阿達町46 京都大学東南アジア研究所所長宛
 〒606-8501 京都市左京区吉田下阿達町46 京都大学東南アジア研究所等事務部総務掛
 Fax. 075-753-7350 e-mail: k-toyota (AT) office.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp ※ (AT) は@に置き換えてください
 ※ 応募書類は返却しない。
その他:  京都大学は男女共同参画を推進しています。多数の女性教育研究者の積極的な応募を期待します。
Job Opening for a Professor/Associate Professor in the Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University

1.Position: Professor or Associate Professor (1 position)
2.Section: The Regional Development Section of the Economics and Politics Division
 We are looking for a scholar who has done significant contributions to the field of micro economic studies on enterprises or urban sectors in the dynamism of regional development in Southeast Asia. He or she should also have a solid grasp of macro-economic issues in Southeast Asia, and demonstrate strong motivation to develop and promote new perspectives and synergies in interdisciplinary area studies.
4.Starting date:
 April 1, 2012. Performance evaluation will be carried out in accordance with Center regulations to determine renewal of contract.
5.Qualification to apply:
 The position is open to applicants of all nationalities. For those applying for the position of Professor, a Ph.D. degree is required, and the applicant should have at least five articles or two books with demonstrable influence in his or her field. For those applying for the position of Associate Professor, a Ph.D. degree is required, and the applicant should have at least two articles with demonstrable influence in his or her field.
6.Documents to be submitted:
 1)A letter of intent stating that one is applying for professorship or for an associate professorship (applicants may indicate that they are “applying for either professorship or associate professorship”)
 2)Curriculum vitae
 3)A complete list of publications: please indicate the five most influential articles or books in case of those applying for professorship (as well as those applying for “either professorship or associate professorship”), or two most influential articles in the case of those applying for associate professorship
 4)Three sample articles and/or books, with a 300-word abstract of each
 5)1000-word summary of past research
 6)1000-word description of your ideas on promoting interdisciplinary collaborative research after joining the Center (both content of research and contribution to Southeast Asian area studies)
 7)A list of research funding or fellowships obtained
 8)Two recommendation letters
7.Deadline to apply: June 20, 2011
8.Process of selection:
 Shortlisted candidates may be required to come to the CSEAS for an interview (to be scheduled on the last week of July, 2011). Travel costs will be borne by the Center only for those who will be flying into Japan from abroad. The position may not be offered if no appropriate applicant is chosen.
9.Date of announcement: The final decision will be announced by 31 October 2011.
10.Mailing address for applications:
  The Director
  Center for Southeast Asian Studies
  Kyoto University
  46 Shimoadachi-cho, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku
  Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
  (Please write “Application Documents for Professor or Associate Professor for Economics Enclosed” in red ink on the envelope containing the documents and send them by registered mail.)
12.Contact address for further information:
  Mr. Kazuhiko Toyota
  Chief, General Affairs Section
  Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
  46 Shimoadachi-cho, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
  Fax: +81-75-753-7350
  Email: k-toyota@office.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp
  Web: www.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp
  * Application documents will not be returned.
Equal opportunity: Kyoto University is an Equal Opportunity Employer.